Books by Anisha Singh

Anthologies & Collaborations

Featured In

WILDsound Writing Festival - GRIEF

Here's What the Readers Say

Anisha Singh's "Soulful Reflections" is a debut poetry collection that promises to be more than words on a page. It's an invitation to a journey, a dive into the depths of human experience where pain becomes resilience and grace emerges from darkness.

- Simonti Ghosh on Goodreads

Guardians of Green is a beautiful and important book for all children to read—and a perfect one for to share on Earth Day too. There are some great themes around being eco friendly, friendship, recycling and teamwork in the story to explore with children. The illustrations are beautiful too.
A important read for all children and good for schools too.

- Zowie Norris on Goodreads

Find more of my writing at : Annie's Thoughts Gallery